A personal collection of (generic) 4D methods to solve common problems from A (Arrays) to X (XML): this is my swiss army knife for 4D.

Many years ago, once I started to work on several projects for several customers, I realized that I’ll need a robust and versatile collection of utility methods. This would hopefully standardize my code, reduce development time and increase the overall quality and maintainability of my projects. A classic win-win-win situation.

Today, my collection counts more than 200 methods covering a wide range of topics (arrays, date and time, hierarchical lists, import and export, math, printing, string manipulation, XML etc.) and includes a date picker (just a list box…) and a nice popup/dropdown menu (another list box). And yes: it standardized, reduced and … you know: win-win-win.

This collection is available as a component, it’s free and the source is included. And it’s swiss made. I use it in all my projects on Mac and Windows and keep improving and extending it. Get the current version here, open it with 4D (version 16) and check out the home section of the 4D explorer.

The genuine swiss army knife is available here.